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The facts are irrefutable: excessive pressure on the job coupled with a rapid work pace, bursting social calendars, too little time for oneself, and the call for more productivity in shorter timeframes are all factors that contribute to stress. Add poor nutritional intake (only 1% of Swiss citizens eat three servings of vegetables and only 11% eat three servings of fruit daily) ¹, poor eating habits (1/3 of the population skips breakfast), little or no exercise, and the vicious circle is complete.

Hippocrates said, “Let food be thy medicine and thy medicine be food.” And it is still true today. The illnesses of civilisation, such as weight problems, diabetes, cardiovascular problems, headaches, backaches, skin problems, asthma and insomnia, can often be brought under control and even reversed with good, tasty nutritional habits.

Optinutrition™ places every individual’s self-competence at the focal point. A complete health analysis followed by an informative consultation coupled with a personal nutritional and lifestyle strategy – these are the essential prerequisites for successful personal health management.

Are you ready to take charge of your health? Optinutrition™ will be delighted to assist you. Please contact us for further information.

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¹ Exl-Preysch BM, Mühlemann P, Muhr-Becker D. Nutritrend-Studie 2000