  • Aim to avoid alcohol and cigarettes, especially during the second half of your cycle. Alcohol upsets blood sugar levels and inhibits the absorption and/or use of many nutrients such as magnesium, zinc and certain B vitamins.
  • Exercise regularly! Physical exercise has been found to help relieve symptoms in many PMS sufferers. Regular exercise (3x weekly) improves lymphatic circulation, promotes cardiovascular health and increases your endorphins which make you feel good naturally.
  • Relax every day! Spend at least 20 minutes a day practicing a form of relaxation you enjoy, e.g. yoga, T’ai Chi, meditation, autogenic training, deep breathing, listening to quiet music.

Although the above recommendations may positively affect your hormonal and general health, the temporary therapeutic use of micronutrients such as vitamins, minerals and essential fatty acids may be necessary. For more information about your personal hormonal health, please contact Optinutrition. >>>

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premenstrual syndrome (pms)