
Eat tomatoes, water melon and guava for their lycopene content. Harvard researchers have found lycopene, a carotenoid, to protect against prostate cancer.

Aim to eliminate or strongly reduce red meats which are rich in inflammatory fats which may increase the risk of prostate hyperplasia or cancer. Eliminate or strongly reduce the use of tobacco, alcoholic beverages, caffeine (in coffee and black tea), refined foods, spicy foods, chlorinated and fluoridated water.

Drink 1.5 to 2 litres of pure, bottled water to stimulate urine flow and increase removal of bacteria and toxins from the urinary tract.

Lifestyle Guidelines
Exercise regularly. Walking or power walking is best. Cycling is discouraged because it may put pressure on the prostate.

Many over-the-counter cold and allergy remedies contain ingredients which may further inflame your prostate and cause urinary retention. Check list of side effects before using.
Avoid exposure to very cold weather.

Prostate 1 2 3 4

prostate, prostate cancer