immune system

At any time of year, and especially during winter, your body is fighting off invading pathogens such as viruses, bacteria, fungi, allergens and cancer cells. These pathogens take their toll on the immune system. Therefore, it is vital to supply key nutrients to keep your immune system fit. Signs of a weak immune system include: fatigue, low energy levels, apathy, repeated colds and minor infections, cold sores, swollen lymph glands, allergic reactions and inflammation, slow wound healing, chronic diarrhoea, thrush and Candida, poor hair texture.

What may weaken your immune system?
Poor Diet:
Processed, refined foods, white bread and pasta, confectionary and sauces, sugar, alcohol and caffeine do not supply the essential nutrients needed for immune strength. On the contrary, they actually deplete the body of the very vitamins and minerals it needs to keep healthy. Saturated and hydrogenated fats found in red meat and fried fats, eggs and milk products clog up the lymphatic system preventing the rapid elimination of pathogens. These should therefore be avoided, especially during an infection.
Drugs and Chemicals:
Antibiotics and other drugs, pesticides, food additives, radiation and environmental pollutants such as gas fumes all weaken the immune system.

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immune system